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Writer Wednesday, Interview with Paranormal Romance Author, Felicity Heaton

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Paranormal Romance Author, Felicity Heaton
Which of your books is your favorite? Why?

I think it’s hard to pinpoint which book is my favourite as I’ve written so many and they’re all quite different. My favourite series is by far my Vampires Realm series I write as F E Heaton. There are nine books in that series, and I’m currently writing the tenth, and I have ideas for at least another 10 books.

If I had to choose just one book, I would say that my favourite is Love Immortal. It’s an epic vampire romance novel and the longest single story I’ve written at 160,000 words. It has everything I love in it–vampires, immortals, gods and goddesses, werewolves, mythology, and people with supernatural powers. It’s a really epic story and I loved writing it.

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing since 2003, and was e-published back in 2005. In 2006 I decided to go indie and haven’t looked back since.

How long did it take you to write your most recent release?

My latest novel is AscensionImage may be NSFW.
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, the first book in my new series, the Shadow and Light Trilogy. It’s a 92000 word novel, and in total it probably took me around ten weeks to get it from idea to final product. That includes writing up notes, an outline, and character bios, and then the first draft, a second draft, a polish draft and then a couple of proofing rounds.

What do you most hope readers get from reading one of your books?

A chance to escape the world for a while, and characters they can fall in love with and care about. I write books for readers, to give them warm fuzzies at the end and leave them with a smile, and hopefully a sense of relaxation and happiness.

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Paranormal romance, Ascension
Where should a reader who is new to your books start?

They can start at my website. All of the information on me and my books is there, including excerpts and some free books too.

Is there anything else you would like to add either for readers or writers?

I’d love to invite everyone to check out my website and the places where I lurk online and chat the day away, and want to also tell writers to keep writing, and readers to keep reading. If you’re a reader and you enjoy a book, then let the author know by leaving a review somewhere. Nothing inspires a writer like a review, even if it just one line to say that you liked it. It can brighten the darkest of days.

My website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk

My blog: http://www.indieparanormalromancebooks.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/feheaton

Twitter: http://twitter.com/felicityheaton

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/felicityheaton

Find Felicity’s books at Amazon.Image may be NSFW.
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Find Felicity’s books at Barnes & Noble

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